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                  Does the handle of a folding knife have an emergency bandage?

                  No, the handle of a folding knife typically does not have an emergency bandage. The handle of a folding knife is primarily designed for grip and ease of use when opening and closing the blade. It is not intended to be used as an emergency first aid tool.However, there are folding knives available on the market that have additional features such as built-in tools, including emergency items like seatbelt cutters, glass breakers, or whistle attachments. These features can be helpful in emergency situations, but they are not specifically designed to function as bandages.In emergency situations where immediate first aid is required, it is best to have a dedicated first aid kit or emergency medical supplies on hand, rather than relying on the handle of a folding knife.
                  Does the handle of a folding knife have an emergency bandage?
                  Hits:  UpdateTime:2023-07-14 16:18:16  【Close